Review of a few camera angles in Avengers (2012)
I chose to watch the 2012 Avengers movie. I’ve loved this movie ever since it first came out in theatre with all of its intensity and action. I already know this movie has tons of different angles in it too. I decided to go with the original Avengers movie because even though I’ve seen all of them I like the action and suspense in this movie the most. The movie opens up with this birds eye view or in other words a Top shot where the audience can survey the military base. This is the SHIELD military base that is like a more extreme government. With this Top shot you can tell the movie wants the audience to know how large the military base is and where the action is about to occur. This shot also shows the cars and helicopters scrambling around in the midst of emergency. This next scene shows Samuel L Jackson (aka Nick Fury) arriving at the base and coming out of a helicopter. This low angle shot of him getting out shows him being assertive and like the article states “ the lo...